RTÉ Sports Awards 2010
Title sequence and graphic package for the RTÉ Sports Awards 2010
Title sequence & graphics package for the RTÉ Sport Awards 2010.
The annual RTÉ Sports Awards is one of the highlights of the Irish sporting calendar celebrating the highlights, teams and individuals of that year.
In previous years there had been a short two minute teaser, a round up of the years events, followed by the title sequence and then into the three hour awards show. After consulting with the producers we suggested that we combine the title sequence and the teaser together into one package, creating a much more stylised introduction to the programme. This has been the adopted format since then.
This project was an unusual one that followed the previous year's creation of a overall graphic package to be used across a large spread of programmes and media. The style was to be used for the next three years so an update-able package was required. NoHo was enlisted to create 10 individual templates with a number of variables which could be individually animated, such as the lasers which we made audio reactive. These templates were then used in the title sequence and across all the various graphic packages - team of the year, player of the year, round ups, highlights and also the five separate associated sport documentaries.
3D Template graphic packages - NoHo
Music - 'Love Cry' by Four Tet